Boomerang Back to an Old Employer and Job

Never look back; move on; onwards and upwards; to greener pastures. Yes, we’ve heard them all before. The old sayings that we often associate with changing jobs or leaving an employer. But, we’ve also heard the phrase “never burn your bridges”, and this is vitally important when leaving a job and moving on.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret here. Boomerang employment is on the rise, and sometimes circling back to an employer that you once bid farewell to can be a massive win win for both parties.

According to a recent study1 out of the U.S. which surveyed more than 1,800 human resource professionals, boomerang employment is on the rise. Based on the results of the survey:

• Almost half of the HR professionals say their business once had a policy against welcoming back former employees, and;
• 76 percent of these people said they are now more open to rehiring boomerang employees.
• Nearly two-thirds of mangers seemed to agree.
• In the previous five years, a whopping 85 percent of the research participants said they have received job applications from those who were once employed in their organisation. 40 percent said their company have actually hired about half of those boomerang employees.

So, why should you consider boomeranging back to an employer you once parted ways with?

Boomeranging back to an employer makes sense. It removes the fear of unknown for you and your employer as you’re not just another faceless name in the sea of many. It is much easier for your old employer to train you up as you already know some of, it not all of, the basics. This is less time and less effort from an employer’s perspective, and that has to be good news for them too.

What are some effective ways of making sure the road stays open for you in the future? And, if you are already in that “future”, how can you effectively boomerang back?

Exit gracefully
As I mentioned earlier, never burn your bridges. Parting on positive terms will provide no reason that you cannot boomerang back or check back in.

Stay connected
Stay in touch with your former employer, even if it means through the various social media platforms available these days, like LinkedIn for example. You never know when you may need to call on a favour from an old employer, even if it’s not just for returning there to work.

Don’t be shy
If you see a job posted from your old employer that takes your fancy, dive on in! If you are still connected with a former manager from the company, reach out to them. Make use of the connections that you already have, it’s one foot in the door of opportunity that a newbie wouldn’t have over you.

A boomerang sets off on its journey, explores the skies a little, takes a few spins and turns, and comes right on back into your welcoming arms. As long as you leave an employer with as much grace as a boomerang leaves the hands of its master, there’s no reason you can’t throw your hat back into the ring and boomerang back, so to speak. For me, it makes sense and for you, it should too.

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1. Workplace Trends: The Corporate Culture and Boomerang Employment Study

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